If your hair is thinning, you’re likely pointing your finger at your parents. And you’re correct, most male pattern baldness is heavily influenced by your genetics. However, before you get annoyed with your relatives, you may be interested to know that your gut microbiome, overall health, nutrition, and lifestyle choices are the second biggest contributor to hair loss.
Whilst some clients may experience ketosis on the program, Donna explains why this is not our primary focus and how it is NOT the method behind the incredible results on our programs.
Is the direction of food technology turning our 'healthy' options into frankenfood?
When I recently posted this on Instagram, I was met with some very defensive reactions. How dare I shame some of these foods. How bad can they be? Well, let's find out!
While the thought of intermittent conjures up the fear of hunger, you may find the opposite is true.
Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?